Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dearly Departed

First I would like to start off by saying the play was great and I was really entertained. I went to the show Friday and Sunday. The audience experience for these shows were completely different. The Friday show had a lot more people and the majority of the people that attended were young. I noticed that there was a bus load of kids that came and a lot of students I've seen around campus. Before the play started people were talking and carrying on about how excited they are to see the play. I've seen the play already twice so honestly I wasn't to excited and I didnt think I would be that entertained or find it funny because I already knew what was going to happen. To my suprise I was wrong. The very first scene had me laughing. I noticed that the audience was really paying attention and were pretty entertained. One thing that annoyed me was that some people did not turn off their phones and that was really annoying. Instead of rushing to turn of their phone off they let it ring for a while. Fridays performance the character that I think that got the most laughs from the audience would have to be Susanne. She was funny and the way she said her lines and made her face was hilarious. Delightful was funny too but when Susanne got on stage their was a weird energy in the audience. It felt like people expected to laugh because throughout the play she was just so funny. By the end of the performance the audience was on their feet and gave the actors a standing ovation. Sundays performance I would like to say in some cases was the exact opposite. The audience in the beginning sat in their seats very quietly, and they weren't talking very loud. This group was mostly filled with the elderly. They didnt seem to laugh as much and only really laughed when there was something said about the Lord. I guess I should have expected that with this age group that the parts that some young people might think is funny the elderly might not think so. The two characters that I think that made the best impression on sunday for that audience would have to be the spirtitual mother who always called her son a demon(I'm sorry I dont rememeber her name). Her jokes and everything she said really got to the audience. Susanne on the other hand seemed frowned upon by the audience. Since I saw the show already I was able to look around and look at the audience. The dramatic things she did were really funny to me but to this paticular audience it wasn't that funny. One part I remember that had everyone laughing on friday night was when she jumped on her husband junior during the ceremony, but sunday night people seemed to be more shocked and disgusted. The tolerance level for some things seemed to be really low. Another part that got a completely different reaction from friday's show is when the old women came out with her husband who was on a wheel chair. Friday's show no one seemed to think that scene was that funny, but on sunday the whole room was just laughing up a storm. At the end of sundays shows no one got up and gave a standing ovation. All in all I'm glad I went both days because it really helped write this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Katchana,

    I am so glad you came twice! Very thoughtful response. Make sure to break your writing up into paragraphs.
